For the last two weeks, in our English lessons the ESO4 students have been working on topics related to the European Youth Parliament. For us, this has been an interesting experience, as we have learnt many important issues like how to defend our beliefs and how to attack other people’s opinions using our good manners. We have enjoyed having to talk in English to our classmates as we are not used to it.
At first, it was a bit difficult to tackle the task, as we found the topics complicated, but then we understood how things should be done and we organised what everyone in the group had to do. The topics were really interesting as we dealt with actual and important issues, like gender inequality or tax evasion.
After having practised with our committees in class, the General Assembly Day arrived. It was last Monday, December 18th. When we entered the theatre we were all a bit nervous. However, looking around us and seeing everybody so well dressed gave us the energy to show the audience (parents, teachers and some fellow students from other courses) how much we had been working. We practised a bit and then the event started. It was exciting!
We strongly recommend other students do this type of activities, as you can get lots of benefits from it, like learning to work in teams, getting informed about issues that affect us at present or learning to be respectful when debating topics with the people that surround us, among others.