One of the activities in the subject of English all students need to do every term is a project in groups. This term, even under the hard situation we have gone through, our 1st of Batxillerat students have done brilliant projects about the coronavirus and how they have dealt with the lockdown. In this text we can read how a group of students have faced these months, together with some pictures of different presentations by students. Distance learning has not been a problem for our oral projects!
For our English class this third term we’ve had to prepare a presentation about COVID-19. One of the topics we had to talk about was how we are living the global pandemic and the quarantine.
Obviously, we aren’t happy with the situation, because many people have died or have been infected by the COVID-19. This virus is not only affecting our health, but also the economy of our country, so this is something we are worried about. We had never thought that we would be staying at home for more than one month. And we are worried about how everything will go back to normal. Seeing it in a positive way, we are lucky because neither of us knows anyone infected.
In order not to get infected, when we go out to do the groceries or throw the garbage, we usually put our mask on and some gloves. We wash our hands very often and we clean the house and the food we buy so that no viruses are left there.
As we are staying at home, we have to entertain ourselves so that we don’t get bored.
We think it’s very important to have a schedule so that we don’t waste our time. We try to do new things to keep ourselves busy and not to be checking the fridge every two seconds, so we do sport so that we feel tired and sleep well, which will also help our mental and physical health. Now that we have spare time, we shouldn’t procrastinate and have all school work done.
In the mornings we usually have lessons and in the afternoons we do our homework and we also practise physical activities. After this, we usually do video calls with our friends and family to let them know how we are doing. Despite not seeing each other every day, we think we are lucky because we have networks that help us keep in touch. We are also learning to play instruments, to paint and we’ve discovered new music, like a group of three boys who founded Stay Homas, which is a music group and they sing about coronavirus and quarantine. We also spend time watching TV or reading newspapers because we think that it’s important to be informed about this situation.
Although we are not able to go to school, we have been doing meets with our teachers so that we can keep on with the lessons. We have had to learn how to use work tools like: Google Classroom, Google Meet… None of us is used to working in these conditions, however we have to say that teachers are doing a great job.
During this time we have learnt a lot: we’ve learnt to live with our parents and siblings because we have spent a lot of time with them and we think we’ll feel better if we aren’t arguing all the time. We’ve learnt empathy because in these moments it’s not about staying inside not to catch the virus, it’s about not spreading it.
This experience is definitely going to change us, from now on we will enjoy more the time we have with our family and friends, because now we have felt what it is like to live without them and, of course, what we will enjoy the most will be having time outdoors when all this has finished.