At the beginning of the confinement period, our class worked on a story about a boy who went to stay with his Grandparents and discovered his Grandpas wonderful vegetable garden and all the different types of vegetables growing both above and below the soil. Each day he was encouraged to pick a new vegetable from the garden which was then used to make lunch or dinner that day.
We looked at what vegetables were available in the months we were confined and learnt how we could take cuttings from the vegetables we ate and sprout them in water or plant them directly into pots and plot their progress in the following weeks looking at the different parts of the plants as they grew.
Some cuttings were also taken from our nature walk project like wild Rosemary and Thyme and successfully sprouted.
Being involved in potting and planting the seeds and cuttings helps to develop hand-eye coordination and important motor skills as they dig, sieve, cut ,carry ,lift and water, caring for their plants.
The children will soon be able to harvest their vegetables bringing the life cycle of the plant to its full conclusion.