On the 25th of September the students of 1st of Batxillerat went on a school outing, organized by our P.E. teacher, to the castle of Santa Coloma de Farners.
The route that we followed to get to the castle is a well-known route used by a lot of
hikers. The hike started at 11:00h. The walk started at a nice pace, with a nice breeze flowing
through the air. We could feel the sound of chatter and the laughter filling the silence of the wooded area… And then came the difficult part: the never-ending hill. The sun had come out, and the breeze had faded into a constant wave of heat. Okay, maybe I’m exaggerating a little bit, the heat was bearable, but the hill was not.
After a lot of suffering, we got to the medieval castle. People got to sit down and rest
whilst others went around the castle and up its tower to see the amazing views of the towns
and mountains down below. The sound of the wind and the birds, the solitude of being
somewhere far away from society, being able to disconnect from the world and focus on your
surroundings… It was incredible.
After lunch, we made our way back down the mountain. Again, everyone engaging into
conversation with each other, the laughter of people when someone would slip on the stoned
path, or tried to climb up a sandy ledge, filling the air.
In conclusion, to say that it was a good day would be an understatement. Yes, we
walked a lot, and yes, it was incredibly hot. But, it was a good day. We got to spend time with
friends and skip class so, yes, it was a good day!
Jemima Gray